8 Warning Signs That Your Dog is Dying
by mylifewithpets | Last updated on October 26, 2021
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It’s something no one wants to think about.
It can sometimes deter people from getting pets, the thought that pets don’t live as long as humans and they’ll have to go through the heartbreak.
We confess that, when we think about it, we sometimes ask ourselves what have we gotten ourselves into, by having these pets in our lives and loving them so freaking much.
But it’s a fact of life, your dog lives a very finite amount of years and will probably die before you do.
Even though we know this, there is still a part of us that believes them to be immortal, that they will live with us forever and everything will always stay the same.
But that just isn’t true…
Why Knowing the Signs is Important
We would give so much to know we were going to lose Nico before we did.
To have the opportunity to say goodbye properly.
Or just to make sure he was as comfortable and pampered as possible in his last hours.
More importantly, being able to tell if your dog is feeling unwell can save his life, if he’s helped in time.
And it can also help you make the heartbreaking decision of letting your dog go to prevent suffering.
Either way, it allows you to act accordingly, to do the best you can do for your dog and to make sure there are no regrets.
What to Do If Your Dog is Dying
Your vet has just given you the awful news, your dog is dying and nothing can be done to stop that.
If your dog is suffering or is facing a painful death, you have to face the tough decision of putting him to sleep.
Humane euthanize is the best you can do for your dog in order to let him go peacefully, if his condition is making him suffer.
If that’s not the case, the best thing to do for your dying dog is to take him home, to the place he loves, and make the best of your last moments together.

Keep him warm in a quiet, peaceful place, preferably away from anything that might disturb him.
And just do everything you know your dog loves or what he is up to doing.
Place him on a place where he can feel the sun on his body or next to a heater if it’s nighttime.
Feed him whatever he shows interest in, sugar, fat, meat, cheese, if your dog wants it, it’s his.
Gather your dog’s favorite toys, people, pets (as long as they can be peacefully present)
He deserves it!
Talk to him, tell him all he needs to know, how much he is loved and how happy your time with him has been. Tell him it’s okay to go and rest and that you’ll always be together.
Touch him, pet him, hold him if he’s up for it.
Be by his side until the very end.
8 Warning Signs Your Dog is Dying
Whether you dog is suffering from a chronic illness or it’s a recent issue, your dog will show signs beforehand.
Sometimes months before his passing.
While some of these signs alone may not mean your dog is dying, each sign warrants an urgent visit to the vet to know what’s going on and get proper treatment for it.
These signs are common to most pets, so if you have cats or other animals in your home, you’ll want to keep this in mind for them as well.
Be vigilant and keep up with your dog’s habits as well as physical changes to make sure you know what’s happening.
Here are the signs to watch out for:
1 – Lack of Coordination
If your dog is unsteady on his feet or is taking just a few steps at a time, there is trouble.
If he’s having difficulty getting up, reaching the couch or just getting from one point to the other, this may be due to extreme weakness, injury, impaired brain function or a little bit of everything.
There are a number of issues that can cause this symptom, from an ear infection, lack of appetite or something much more serious, so you’ll want to take him to the vet and find out as soon as possible.
2 – Lack of Energy and Fatigue
Your dog is less active and seems to be tired all the time.
He may be lying on the same spot without making any attempt of getting up, or may try to get up and give up.
If added to this, you notice his gums are white, odds are he’s anemic or maybe he’s just weak from not eating.
Regardless of the reason for your dog’s lack of energy, you can help him with this high-quality supplement.
It’s an oral gel designed to boost your dog’s energy as well as his appetite.
Filled with healthy calories, it will also make your dog gain weight and regain his strength.
3 – Loss of Appetite
Your dog is showing no interest in food or water. No matter what you offer him, he just doesn’t want it.
He may be ill and not able to eat, but he may also be dying and knows that he doesn’t require nutrition anymore.
Only a vet and some tests will be able to tell.
4 – Vomiting
Your dog is unable to hold any food or water in.
It can happen due to illness or a disturbed stomach but it also may be a sign that his digestive system is shutting down.
Vomiting can also occur in cases of poisoning, when his system is trying to expel whatever is making him sick.
Either way, prolonged vomiting can cause dehydration and weakness, sometimes death, so whatever the reason, your dog requires urgent assistance to deal with this issue.
5 – Sudden Incontinence
All of a sudden your dog is having accidents around the house, or maybe in his bed or wherever he chooses to lie down.
If this symptom is paired with lack of appetite or vomiting, he may simply be too weak to get up and do his business where he is supposed to.
But it can also be a case of illness, like urinary tract issues.
If he’s an old dog or his body is shutting down, his bladder and intestine muscles may be losing strength and he’s not even realizing he’s doing it.
Whatever the case may be, it is up to you to keep your dog clean and taken care of.
Lack of grooming in these cases cause sores and burns on his skin.
6 – Apathy
Your dog is ignoring you or actively turning away from you. He has no interest in toys, playing or interacting with anything or anyone, even the people he loves the most.
Most dogs, when they know they’re dying, will withdraw into themselves.
Some say they’re preparing for what follows or that it’s done to protect their loved ones from the pain of going through it.
This was actually the number one sign our cat showed before passing.
In such cases, the best you can do is let him be, while making sure he knows you’re available if he changes his mind.
Get him the most comfortable bed you can find to make sure he’s resting peacefully.
This is the one we recommend and that we got for our older dog, Dobby.
Orthopedic, very soft, easy to clean and with a very nice design.
7 – Shaking or Twitching
Your dog is shaking or twitching out of nowhere.
If may be an involuntary act caused by problems in his brain and nerve function or maybe his body temperature is dropping quickly.
You’ll want to keep him warm, with soft blankets, a nearby heater or the sun, if possible.
8 – Sudden Weight Loss or Physical Deterioration
Your dog lost a lot of weight, all of a sudden.
His fur may be matted and his eyes are glazed.
He’s showing discomfort or even pain.
If he suffers from a chronic illness, like heart or kidney issues or cancer, you notice he’s condition is worsening.
Take him to the vet to see what is going on and what can be done to help him either get better or at least, not suffer in his final days.
Saying Goodbye To Your Dog
Providing quality of life to a dying pet is what being a caring owner is all about.
And by that, we don’t mean just making sure he’s comfortable, we mean being present for him and making those last few days or hours as precious as possible.
Even if he’s not responding to you, it does help that you’re there. Even if he’s just sleeping most of the time, he can feel your presence.
No matter how hard it is for you to see him like that and to go through it all, the difference it makes for your dog to have you is worth it.
And he deserves nothing less.
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