5 Ways Your Dog Shows He Knows You Love Him
by mylifewithpets | Last updated on October 26, 2021
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We love our dogs deeply.
And do whatever it takes to make them happy and to keep them healthy.
We buy them toys to keep them entertained and the best possible food to make sure they stay with us for as long as possible, because we love them so much we can’t imagine ever losing them.
But to they know that? Do our dogs know we love them?
Do Dogs Know You Love Them?
If you have a dog in your family, you probably know the answer to this question.
Yes, they know.
Contrary to what previous generations thought, dogs are sensitive beings, who feel all sorts of emotions, just like humans.
Several studies have shown that dogs are able to take cues from our behavior, actions and even our inflections to understand us and, most importantly, if we love them.
Make Sure Your Love For Your Dog is Obvious to Him
Before we let you know the ways your dog shows he knows you love him as much as he loves you, we’ll just leave you with a few suggestions of ways to make your love known.
Because, honestly, who doesn’t want to do anything and everything in their power to show their dog how much they love him?
- Train with your dog. Training with your dog is the one thing you can do to strengthen your dog. It’s also precious one-on-one time.
- Rub your dog’s ears. Well, rub whatever you like, really, dogs love it. But ears in particular are wired in a way that a nice rubbing releases endorphins, the love and happiness hormone.
- Feed your dog by hand. To build trust and that all-important bond. Also, to prevent food aggression.
- Just say it. As much as you can, remember to tell your dog how much you love him. Even if he doesn’t understand the words, he’ll get the tone and your overall intention.

5 Ways to Tell Your Dog Knows You Love Him
Have you ever wondered if your dog knows how much you love him?
Do you feel you’ve show him your love often?
Would you like to know if he does, indeed, know he’s loved?
The following signs will give you an idea, although there is no absolute way to know for sure.
But remember, ultimately, if your dog is showing he loves and trusts you and you’re doing the same, that’s all you need!
1 – Your Dog Trusts You Completely
You’re the person he most obeys and you’re the one he runs to when he gets scared.
It means he trusts you completely, that your bond is the strongest and for that, he has to know you love him.
Not that it’s a competition but, your dog will always love you more than you love him.
Even if he’s the one you love the most in your life. EVEN if you dedicate your life to him.
For your dog you are the center of his world, his sun, his everything.
His day begins when he sees you and hits pause when you’re away.
Always remember that, even when he’s testing your patience or destroying your pillows (Why do they do that? Don’t they know it’s a set???)
2 – Your Dog Stares at You All the Time
When a dog loves staring at you, he’s essentially hugging you with his eyes.
It means they love you and also that they feel deeply loved by you.
So much so that staring at you causes his system to release oxytocin, also known as the “love hormone”.
Your dog loves you and know you love him back, all is right in his World.
3- Your Dog is Always Touching You
You’ve probably noticed this, when you move on the couch or the bed and your dog quickly moves to to keep touching you.
Or the way he leans to you whenever he has the chance?
Sometimes you’re trying to work on your computer and your dog will try and place his head (or a small bit of it) on your lap?
It means he loves you, of course, but also that he knows you love him too and wants to please you with his presence as well.
Thinks of it as a big dog hug!

4 – Your Dog Keeps Licking You
Or at least, trying to.
There are two ways to see dog licks.
One is kisses, sloppy, wet kisses.
The second is your dog grooming you, which is something they’ll only do to their family members, aka members of their pack.
Again, this is a clear sign of a deep, loving bond between the both of you.
Your dog loves you and is pretty confident you love him back.
5 – Your Dog is Happier Around You
Okay, I know what you’re thinking.
Dogs get happy about every little thing. And they’re always particularly happy to see their people when they arrive home after whatever time away.
But this is different, this is a special kind of celebration reserved only for loved ones they trust deeply.
Like when your dog sees you and begins to wag his tail every so gently.
Or the way they roll to show you their bellies the minute you touch them.
It’s love and trust all mushed into one. And it only happens when they know they’re loved as well.
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